Monday, August 26, 2013

Your Responsibilities as Good Vapers

For many committed smokers electronic cigarette is a great alternative that allows them to smoke socially; just like the traditional tobacco cigarettes, but without causing harm to passive smokers, and also without violating the no smoking restrictions. Yes, an e-cigarettes can be enjoyed anywhere, in restaurants, shopping malls, public transport or even on the train, for the vapor they yield is not injurious to the health of people in the vicinity. But still as an electronic cigarette smoker, you are expected to maintain a certain decorum, while smoking in public places or in social gatherings. This will not only bring you more acceptability, but will always help in creating a better image for e-cig users; on the whole.

Here are a few tips that can earn you a respectable position as a vaper, among your non-smoking peers. There is little doubt that e-cigarettes have minimal effect on the bystanders, but still they can make people feel uncomfortable. It is always a good idea to maintain a safe distance, and not intrude in the privacy of others. You should also be careful, while vaping indoors. Though the vaper is not harmful, but still it is not acceptable that you smoke up a room with vapors. As a man/woman who is thoughtful about people around him/her, you should still respect about others’ privacy.
As you need to maintain a few etiquettes for vaping indoors, there are a few for outdoor vaping too. Outdoor smoking is not a problem, even with traditional cigarettes, provided you take a good look at the number of people around you; before deciding to vape in public. There is a minimum level of respect. Moreover, there are no-smoking zones likes hospitals, educational institutes, and religious places; where you must avoid vaping, because if you do, it will only show a lack of respect on your part.

The vaper yielded by the electronic cigarette has neither has the tobacco smell nor has any side effects of a conventional cigarette smoke, but it can still be uncomfortable for many, especially in the public transport. No doubt the smoke is quickly dissipated, but the crowds still don’t want it, and you should be mindful of this fact, when traveling in a public transport. Even your personal vehicle demands some restriction, as you cannot fill your car with the vapor; only because you can and intrude the privacy of others who are travelling with you.

Following these suggestive etiquettes will certainly establish you as someone aware of the society and its traditions, and earn you more respect from your friends, fellows and colleagues.     

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